Data Analysis

Write a program that has the user enter a series of numbers. Once all of the numbers have been entered–indicated by entering the empty string “”–the program reports how many numbers were entered, the highest value, the lowest value, and the average of all the values.

Sample Interactions:

rwhite@MotteRouge$ python
Enter a series of values to be analyzed.
Enter no value when done with your list to see the statistics.
Enter value: 3
Enter value: -3
Enter value: 2
Enter value:
Analysis completed!
The number of values entered was: 3
The largest value was: 3
The smallest value was: -3
The average was: 0.6666666666666666

rwhite@MotteRouge$ python
Enter a series of values to be analyzed.
Enter no value when done with your list to see the statistics.
Enter value:
Analysis completed!
The number of values entered was: 0
The largest value was: None
The smallest value was: None
The average was: 0