Guessing Game

This program,, generates a pseudo-random number between 1 and 10 (generated by the computer), and then lets the user try to guess the number, giving them hints that each guess is "too high" or "too low" as they go.

The user has three guesses to find the number between one and ten, inclusive. If they haven't guessed the number in three tries, the game is over, and the program should print out what the number was.


In this modified version of this program, a constant UPPER_LIMIT is defined (by the programmer) at the beginning of the program, so the user will be guessing a number between 1 and the UPPER_LIMIT, inclusive. The challenge for this version is to identify how many guesses the program should allow for to make it possible for a perfect guesser to still have a chance of losing. That value should be calculated and used in this version of the program.